Sunday, March 29, 2009

What i learned...

Hi y'all, Hope ya had a wonderful weekend!?! Mine was a blast!! i spent Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon nannying a 3 1/2, 5, & almost 7 year old that hold a special place in my heart.
i wanted to share with you what i learned from living with the kids for a weekend, plus a few of my general rules on life.. in ABC form.. ready?!?
A- Always have a few back up ideas in case your first few don't work
B- Bath time is always fun when you have at least 25 toys in the tub with you
C- Compromises don't come ever easy no matter how old you are
D- Directions can be easy but you can skate around some, if your lucky!
E- Every one has a right to say how they feel
F- Forgetting one thing that Momma or Daddy does can get you into a little trouble but not much & your easily forgiven if you say you did forget
G- GOD is bigger then the boogy man! (Don't forget this when your scared at night!)
H- Helping hands make light work
I- I love you goes a long ways!
J- JESUS, singing Jesus loves me.. never gets old. It sooths the soul!
K- Kids go on their on schedule unless they've adapted to yours
L- Laugh at the smallest of things!
M- Mornings come faster, i mean WAY fast!!
N- Never say one thing when you mean another because kids do pick up on those things QUICK!
(nothing bad happened but just always a general rule i have)
O- Open.. Keep your arms always open for hugs that come out of no where
P- Prayer is vital even when your 3 1/2
Q- Quiet time is nice
R- Remember you're an example to those who are watching you
S- Sometimes take a moment & look at the whole picture or you'll lose your prospective
T- Teaching can come from the smallest of people
U- Understanding each side of the story is a key!
V- Veggie Tales don't get old even if you watch 6 movies in a row of them
W- Willing.. You have to be willing to put your needs last when it comes to kids & others!
X- X.. uh?!?
Y- Young.. Be young & youthful for the kids because being old gets old
Z- Z.. uh?! Zee-end!
Well, that's that on the ABC thing. Hope y'all have a great start of the week now! May God bless each of ya!! Y
Matthew 19:14 NKJV But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."


CrownedwithGlory said...

I love the alphabet game and esp with kids its so cute and so true to.. Hard to be a parent,think of that 24/7 for the rest of your life.. Oy! But its a blessing!

So glad to see you had a good time..Esp the 3.5 yr old, you'll got a taste of what I deal with hehe!

talk soon!


Ginger said...


You are so creative Carrie! Thanks for giving us a glimpse into how things went from your perspective. You guys were so sweet to bring them all little treasures! I read a new Amelia Bedelia book and new sheep - I can't remember his name at the moment - book. So Cute! We really appreciate you both loving on our kiddos (and putting up with them!!!)

Amy Guerino said...

I need to focus more on L - laugh at the smallest of things, and O - Open, keep your always arms open for the hugs that come out of no where. I can be too serious and easily annoyed by bad timed terms of endearment....but you can't choose when they give them...but you can choose to stop and enjoy them. Thanks for this! I haven't stopped by in a long time...glad I did today!