Sunday, April 26, 2009

Against all odds & even the Devil

Howdy y'all! i know it's been since Easter since i last posted.. i'll just say this, it's been a roller coaster of emotions for me the last few weeks since Easter. i had started feeling some depression hit me at the most weirdest of times & just also i felt like i was being weighed down by grief. The main reason i was feeling like this is because this year is the 30th. year anniversary of my real Dad being killed. i always do just some how take all the grief from all the other 11 months & pile it into the day of April 22nd.
Well, on the of the 22nd this year i had work which was nice.. because i got to be around my little kids at work (some of my favorite type of people). After work Grandma took me up to where my Dad's site is & let me go lay my flower bunch on his site & as sometimes i do, i will bow my head & talk to the Lord.. about missing my Dad etc. This year also was the 10th year anniversary of me coming back to the Lord after an almost 20 year absence. So, as i was thinking & telling my 2 Dads if you will about my life i felt the Devil sneak in some words to me about ending my life. Now i haven't thought about ending my life since 10 years ago.. & i was hearing all sorts of lies from the Devil about how no one loves me blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda.. & i finally had heard enough from him & to put it point blank i told him to go to Hell. Yes, i know the Devil is in Hell now but i want him to be thrown now in that lake of fire NOW. Thankfully i know Jesus will do this when He comes back for us.
i feel a lot better! im feeling more happy! i know some of you who know me well are like how can this girl get be more happy?!? but believe me this girl has had her days.. i am human!
Well, i think that's all i wanna share for now. im sorry again it's been a while since i last posted but when im not feeling 100% myself i don't like to do much.
i hope y'all have a great start of the week and may GOD bless each of you according to HIS will!
And He will if you ask Him. Y


Ginger said...

You tell him girl!!! I'm so glad you are able to tell him to 'talk to the hand.' Don't believe that garbage for a minute! You ARE PRECIOUS! A MASTERPIECE! And all six of us are thankful for you and your input into our lives!

Auntie said...

Carrie-Margaret - you are loved. Never forget that. Isn't it weird how things come back to us that we can choose to listen and fall back into - or that we can stand strong against. I'm glad you stood strong! If it ever happens again - remember to start listing off the truths - rather than listening to lies. Love Auntie